GetResponse Alternative - How is Agile Better?

Agile stands out with its all-in-one CRM features
amidst all GetResponse alternatives

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Getresponse alternatives pricing


Agile CRM is significantly less expensive in comparison & is a good GetResponse alternative . Most Agile CRM features are included in the free plan, and growing businesses get a full suite for only $9.99/month when purchased annually. Comparable GetResponse plans start at $40.18/month when billed annually, and even then sales and customer service functionality is not included.


Both GetResponse and Agile CRM come with strong email marketing features, including drip campaigns, drag and drop email creation with custom or predefined templates, autoresponders, forms, customization based on segmentation, and automation triggers. Agile CRM as a GetResponse alternative allows for more sophisticated email marketing by also tying these campaigns with sales and customer service.

Web forms

Responsive Design

Marketing Automation

GetResponse delivers credible marketing automation that includes contact tagging, automated segmentation, web site tracking that triggers campaigns, and automation for handling shopping cart abandonment. Agile CRM has all of this marketing automation, too, but goes further by including automation rules that encompass sales and customer service for more complete automated workflows.

Landing Pages

Delivering calls to action and capturing customer response requires landing pages, and there are many GetResponse alternatives that come with easy mobile-responsive templates and drag-and-drop landing page builders that work with your site’s domain name. However, Agile CRM as a GetResponse alternative also has Wordpress and Joomla plugin integration, as well as a sophisticated pop-up ad system for extending web site marketing beyond landing pages.



Web Engagement

Many GetResponse alternatives come with web tracking so you can see what your prospects are doing on your site in real-time and respond with an automated follow-up campaign. However, Agile CRM as a GetResponse alternative also alerts your sales team or customer support staff when individual contacts are interacting with particular pages on your site. GetResponse helps you track web site engagement, but Agile CRM makes this tracking useful for all areas of your business for a more end-to-end solution.

Analytics & Alerts

Customer data is crucial for targeted online marketing, and both GetResponse and Agile CRM come with dashboards for tracking campaigns and customer response, detailed real-time statistics on click-through rates, email opens and shopping cart abandonment, alerts based on customized rules, and reports for checking the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. These analytics and alerts become more powerful with Agile CRM, because the data also serves sales and customer support.



Mobile App

GetResponse and Agile CRM both offer mobile apps for Android and iOS so marketing information is always available. If you need access outside the office, both systems have you covered. Since Agile CRM is an all-in-one system and not just a marketing solution,you get more from Agile CRM as a GetResponse alternative on mobile because all your marketing, sales and customer service information is available from the same app. With GetResponse, you must open different apps if you want sales and support from your mobile device.

Integrations & API

GetResponse and Agile CRM both have integration with a wide variety of popular systems, APIs for custom connections, and Zapier integration. Agile CRM requires less integration, because it is a complete system; GetResponse needs integration with Salesforce and CRM systems such as Capsule CRM, while Agile CRM does not because it already has a complete feature set. Because Agile CRM is all-in-one that includes sales and customer service, it also has native integration with telephony systems such as Twilio and RingCentral.


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Comparison with GetResponse

GetResponse is fundamentally an email marketing service with CRM and other features such as landing pages and webinars tacked on. If all you need is email marketing, GetResponse does the job well. But marketing is more than email campaigns, and that’s where Agile CRM as a GetResponse alternative starts to shine. Not only is Agile CRM significantly cheaper than GetResponse, it also comes with all-in-one functionality that includes sales and customer support in addition to full-featured online marketing functionality. This makes Agile CRM’s marketing features more useful than GetResponse, and it serves SMBs much better because one product handles marketing, sales and customer service instead of several services bolted together.

Here is the detailed comparison between GetResponse and Agile CRM and their features:

GetResponse Agile

Help Desk Management


Sales Enablement Integration


Appointment Management


Calendar Sync with Google




360˚ Contact View(Sales, Marketing & Service)


Real Time Analytics


Call Automation


Push Notifications


Email Tracking


Email Templates




Mobile Alerts


Project Tracking


SMS marketing


Sales Forecasting


Ticket Mangement


Website Integrations


Workflow Management




Web Popups


Invoice Management



Plan starts from $15/month Plans start from $9.99/month

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