5 Core Benefits of a Sales and Marketing CRM [Infographic]

Sales and Marketing CRM Infographic

There are countless reasons to use one app for sales and marketing. Especially for small businesses that are serious about growth, there’s simply no reason to spend extra money on multiple products that end up causing misalignment and the need for even more expensive integrations. But what are the core benefits to your sales team, marketing team, customer success team, and customers?

We’re always looking for new ways to help you visualize the benefits of using Agile CRM. Of course, there’s really no substitute for just trying the CRM (free 14-day trials on all plans, plus a completely free sales and marketing CRM accounts for up to 2 users). And our user reviews and testimonials really speak for themselves at this point (like customer Jakub Mana’s recent review on Twitter: “The best CRM for startups…All you need is under the hood”).

But we understand that choosing a new CRM is a big decision. You might still have questions before you take the plunge. Sure, a combined sales-and-marketing CRM can help you automate campaigns and share data, but is it also effective way to create a complete customer experience cloud with real-time data? Cue our new infographic on the 5 Core Benefits of a Sales and Marketing CRM. Enjoy!


5 Core Benefits of a Sales and Marketing CRM

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about 9 years ago

thanks for sharing... good articles.


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