20 Twitter Marketing Tips Every Business Should Follow in 2020

20 Twitter Marketing Tips Every Business Should Follow in 2020

Social media is a powerful marketing weapon to connect with your audience. Among other social channels, Twitter has been trending due to its impressive user base, advertising controls, and the ability to reach an audience. If you expect your audience to connect to your brand in a shorter span, it requires more effort and time to get that social media presence. 

This post is written both for those who are new to Twitter marketing and for those who have been marketing on Twitter for a while but want to rebalance their technique. Before getting on to Twitter marketing, it is important to craft a powerful strategy by following industry-standard advice. So in this article, we will let you know about the tips for twitter marketing.

1. Describe clearly who you are.

Like many other platforms that operate via profiles and accounts, Twitter has options to fill in biographical details which should be simple and genuine. The accounts that use their profile to impress readers with their humanity and good nature do well. 

2. Craft content in such a way that your audience naturally feels like engaging.

You do not want to sound like you are throwing sales language in every direction looking for a bite. It’s simply not relatable to the majority of audiences and it will turn them away from your messages and your brand. Natural. That’s what your tweets should be aiming for. 

3. Clearly define your objectives.

In the process of creating a strategy, you should naturally be outlining objectives for your Twitter marketing campaigns and posts. 

4. Scheduling your tweets saves a lot of time.

If you plan to manage a Twitter account in addition to several other social media accounts, or if you plan on managing your Twitter feed like an enterprise, you will need to schedule tweets using one of several online tools, such as Hip Social

5. Know your target audience.

Research is an essential part of any Twitter marketing strategy, so research your audience and make discoveries about who they are and what they do online.

6. Think of a username that grabs attention.

Some profiles make use of a clever handle in order to promote likeability and chances of being followed as a household brand. 

7. Using keywords in your tweets.

Keywords in tweets will boost the reach and performance of your activity on Twitter. 

8. Hashtags increase engagement rates.

Using hashtags can improve your legibility to users and improve your rate of engagement. 

9. Analyze your competitor’s strengths and weaknesses.

Keeping tabs on your competitors is never a bad idea as it can lead to industry insights. 

10. Try an advanced search to find potential prospects.

Finding new prospects is simplified on Twitter with advanced searches for all your needs. 

11. Grow followers by sharing useful links.

Useful links and curated content can go a long way with audiences who use Twitter in order to make discoveries and learn. 

12. Consistency is key.

Tweeting consistently on a daily basis brings more followers.

13. Nurture relationships.

As you tweet and interact with users, you will naturally gain a rapport with your followers. 

14. Always be ready to help.

Customers often look to social media profiles in order to interact with your company or organization and solve problems. 

15. Adding images to tweets brings more clicks and shares.

Research into usage and interaction on social media proves that tweets with images outperform their bland counterparts.

16. Connect Twitter with Linkedin to keep track of professionals.

There are powerful integrations possible between LinkedIn and Twitter that should be exploited by professional businesses seeking to serve business customers. 

17. Twitter videos increase engagement.

Videos, like images, improve engagement rates with posts about your brand.

18. Use tools to curate content.

There is a myriad of tools available that can turn content into curation. Explore some of your options when it comes to curating content.

19. Twitter analytics helps you to know what kind of tweets are performing.

Use Twitter analytics to learn which pieces of content deserve a boost with ad dollars or warrant another round of promotion and campaign. 

20. Use polls. 

Polls can help you keep a pulse on your audience’s opinions and behaviors. 


Agile CRM makes the management of customers possible through advanced features that turn leads into customers by keeping them from falling through the cracks. We hope these Twitter tips help you create a strategy that leads to more conversions and engagements. Remember that you can try Agile CRM by 500apps free through a 30-day trial. 

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1 Comment

Priya Sharma

about 4 years ago

Thank you so much for this blog. It was extremely informative. I will definitely try out these tips. Thanks for your effort!


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