
Documents in CRM

Now upload and save documents in Agile CRM, tag them with relevant contacts and deals & attach them to emails sent.

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Make the best use of the enhanced documents functionality in Agile CRM. With Agile CRM documents the recipients can easily save, tag and sort the documents (including documents sent to your team from a prospect), and on the other hand, the leads have the important documents in their inbox as they receive them at the right stage in the pipeline.

Add Documents to Agile CRM

Attach a relevant document to individual emails sent from the Agile dashboard. The document can also show up when looking at the particular deal (or contact or company) associated with it. The right document sent at just the right time can be the difference between a closed deal and a lost opportunity.

Add Document

Attach Documents

Attach Documents Directly to Deals

Add documents directly to Deals in the CRM, either from your computer, Google Drive, DropBox, Onedrive, Box or Evernote. Just click the Documents tab in the deal and go ahead and add the document. You can also add a new document and associate it with the deal or select the one you’ve already uploaded to Agile previously. The master docs list in the Documents menu will update automatically all the documents attached into the CRM. Configure the PDF Downloads with Agile CRM Forms and Landing Page Builder.

Electronic Signing of Documents

Now include an electronic signature to your e-Documents associated with contacts and Deals. The authorisation is in the form of simply Typing or Signing your name on a panel or Uploading the Signed image. Add Signature merge fields of Contact and Owner in your e-document. Agile CRM’s e-Documents are easier and quicker for you, and your customers across the world, to sign!

Signing Documents

PDF Download

Configure the PDF Download on Form Submission

Include the PDF into the form once you have it uploaded to the system. Choose from the 2 ways when offering a PDF through an Agile form:

  • The PDF doc shall download immediately once the form is completed.
  • Direct the user to a landing page that has the option to download the PDF doc.

These downloads from Agile can be used in many ways, for example for content upgrades, landing pages, surveys and more.

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